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Viewing most recent comments 59 to 79 of 79 · Previous page · First page

Hey Keinart,

First of all, I would to thank you for creating this amazing VN. It's probably the best free VN I've ever read with a unique story and hilarious character interactions.

However, i would like to ask a simple question. If you're fine with sharing, can I ask how many words long was this VN? Thanks a bunch!

Thank you! The novel is around 110k words long if I remember correctly, more or less.

I see. Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it.

(2 edits) (+1)

Incredible (PLEASE READ!!!)

The only word that is close enough to even slightly describe the contents of this novel. I pretty much made an account just to be able to communicate with you, the author.


I'm still trying to figure out what is going on with Claire... You gave some clues in another comment, but unfortunately Google translate failed me once again... Could you perhaps help me out? So far I think that Claire was imaginary, her purpose only being a way of explaining where the e-mails came from. Was she Ciarán's DECEPTION? Did he try to deceive himself by personifying a part of him; acting like it was her/this part's fault for sending the messages? Maybe she is the part of Ciarán that wants to stay away from people. So when she wanted an answer on Graduation day it was litteraly Ciarán asking himself wether he wanted to stay alone(be with Claire). In the end we saw him propose to her. Perhaps he decided to stay alone(with Claire) forever? What I still don't get is how other people still see her as a person... Maybe it's Ciarán speaking or what he is currently thinking... Although it wouldn't make sense since when they were playing poker Claire won and Luce congratulated her (kind of). Then again when they were competing against each other Luce told Ciarán that he had won once previously and she had won once too. So was Claire's victory a lie? Had Luce won on the poker match or was victory hers too since Claire was on the girls' team? Also, Claire's sudden appearances and the fact that Ciarán said she was always with him kind of give us a hint about her non existence. I need to read this again but these are my current thoughts. Though, in conclusion I think she's the other part of Ciarán. The one afraid to be with people. Let's not forget that when Ciarán left the phone on the desk to talk to Claire no one really spoke, since Luce didn't hear a thing. I feel like Ciaran was lying to us; the readers (or maybe even to himself).



Now, the other thing that caught my attention were all the greek related names. As a greek myself, I found it fun to realise that some of the names you used have greek origins, or they even are greek words written with English characters. For example Luce Aurea. Here you obviously used the greek adjective ωραία (meaning: pretty, good looking). You explained that Endyein comes from greek too. Also Claire's surname is a greek name nowadays (Argyris / Αργύρηs). I'm confident that in Ancient Greece you could've found someone with that kind of surname since most people used their father's name as a surname. For example: if we used this kind of surname method nowadays if your father was named, for example William your surname would be Williams. Surnames like these still exist but we are no longer named after our fathers as you probably know already. Sorry I started ranting... I got a bit excited that's all.

Well...This is more like a letter to you now XD

If you read this far, thank you! I've never really written a comment this long... But I'm not exactly a fan of comments either, since I'm either too bored to write anything or too shy to state my opinion. But your story made me want to desperately try to get a few answers and opinions out of you. I really hope you reply because I'd love to hear your opinion on my theories.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow, thank you, I'm glad you liked it so much. Let's start from the beginning and see what I can answer:

Everyone is always confused about that character lol. I actually prefer not to say it so I can let people think about it, but I can say you are not totally mistaken with your assumption and are actually pretty close! I personally prefer if you think more about it instead of giving you the answer directly, but If you still wanna know for sure what happened I can tell you that someone in the Steam forums of the game managed to solve it, so you can look there to find the answer. Since someone "already solved it" I took the freedom of creating a personal blog too where I give some answers about One Thousand Lies and some other things:

The blog is bilingüal so you can filter to only english entries. Still I personally prefer if people don't try to get the answer from me at least until they haven't think about it first. In the other hand I prefer to give an "official answer" because I hate those pretentious authors that never give any answers, I always get the feeling that they never actually had any idea of what they were doing and are just letting the fans to fill the holes in their own story with whatever they can come up. One Thousand Lies contains some certains points that are open in purpose, but mostly everything has an answer.

About greek, yes I used a lot of greek! The story after all is a new modern interpretation of the Pygmalion myth, so there's a huge greek influence. Ciarán's surname is also greek, ενδυειν, that at the same time is a variation of another myth, the myth of Endymion. For Claire you are not mistaken. I thought that was a surname, I didn't know it was a name nowadays.

For Luce however I made a bit of a play there so even thought it can be read in Greek, the main meaning for her surname is not from Greek but from Latin (but we all know how Latin took a lot from Greek anyways), so her surname meaning is actually "Golden". Claire surname is supposed to mean "Silver" so take your own conclusions considering the story (this is also something that I answer in the blog, so take a look if you want).

Anyways thank you very much for reading and for your comment, I appreciate it a lot.

(3 edits)

Hey again!

I'm so glad you replied to my comment! I thought about Claire a bit and then I visited the website. I read a bit of the Claire article and honestly that's genius. I tried not to read much of it and I didn't read the steam comments, because I feel like Claire should remain at least a small mystery. That's her charm after all right?

I definately see how much work you put into her character and that's why I have to say she's one of my favourites. Although, when you put effort into creating each character you usually don't have a favourite. Since I'm trying to think of a general idea and characters for an upcoming webcomic (honestly I don't even know how long it's going to take me to start writing it) I kind of understand the feeling.

I started a new subject already?

I have so many things to talk about haha

Now, about the story:

Have you gotten bored already? I'm probably the definition of a chatter box, heh (representing Ciaráns weird smile)

(don't listen to that dingus; she wants me dead)

BACK to what I was saying; your story and the concept around it was incredible. (Using that adjective again? Really?) ("Shut up I'm trying to make a good impression here.") I hate your characters and I must say that is the worst visual novel I've ever read. I feel like even if I am much better than you, I found a marvellous novel. ("STOP COVERING MY WORDS!") (Oh come on I was saying good things about you) ("NO, you were insulting the excellent author!") (Oh now you discreetly compliment her? I didn't think we were that kind of person)

ANYWAYS, the last thing I wanted to say in this comment is that if you need any ideas or help for any upcoming novel, I'd be glad to assist you. I bet you have a wonderful team helping you but if you need another source of inspiration don't hesitate to contact me.

("See now I bet she got the wrong impression!") (You always give the wrong impression.) ("It was your fault!") (Bahaha. Of course it was. Am I not here on purpose?) ("...")

This was just a silly addition to this comment. I love this kind of stuff haha. (Yeah, keep trying to explain my existence.) ("I think I did that already (:") (Have I ever told you how much I "love" you?) ("No but that's so nice of you!") (You... -the following words were censored due to Italic's stupidity-)

I have many more things to talk about, but for the sake of this comment I'll stop here. :) And I will definately check your blog once in a while!

Me encanto tu juego no se que decir me parecio absolutamente genial, me cree una cuenta solo para escribir esto.

Gracias por darnos algunas horas de diversión.

(1 edit) (+1)

Este juego me encanto demasiado, en serio me dejo marcado, y quiero darte las gracias ya que los mensajes que quisiste dar a través de la historia me ayudaron mucho.

Ahora mismo lo estoy re-jugando para ver todas esas pistas de las que no me había dado cuenta antes, espero ver más trabajos tuyos más adelante. Si pudiese te donaría lo digo en serio pero ahora no es que pueda pero yo se que te lo mereces, un gran trabajo, increíble historia, excelentes personajes, banda sonora (que a pesar de no ser creada para este "proyecto") siempre ideal en cada situación.

Ojala algún día puedas contar ese secreto de la historia que deja tan marcados, gracias, y suerte en el futuro.

P.D.: Una preguntita rápida XD ¿como se pronuncia el apellido de Ciarán? es que siempre que lo leo nunca se como decirlo.

Gracias a ti por leerlo y por el comentario, me alegra que te haya gustado tanto.

Lo del apellido es normal porque es Griego (ενδυειν) y es algo complicado, se pronuncia como "endin", alargando la "i". Significa algo así como "adentrarse en el interior" y es de donde viene el nombre Endimión. En la mitología griega la diosa de la luna Selene se enamora de Endimión, y bueno, digamos que tiene una profunda relación con la historia al igual que con Pigmalión.


Muchas gracias por crear este juego, de verdad me ha encantado y me ha llegado muy profundo, tanto las historias que "escribe el protagonista" como la historia principal. Ha conseguido tanto hacerme reír a carcajadas como hacerme soltar alguna lagrima, y me he enamorado de todos y cada uno de los personajes, incluso el calvo cabrón xD.

Sin duda voy a donar, porqué una creación como esta lo merece, y pienso hacer publicidad de tu juego entre todos mis conocidos que puedan estar interesados.

Muchas gracias por darme estos buenos momentos y enhorabuena por esta obra de arte, tanto a ti como a todo el equipo que te ha ayudado, me he enamorado de vuestro trabajo y voy a releerlo varias veces, aunque creo que he conseguido comprender quien es Claire, no lo tengo muy claro, al igual que muchas de las personas que han comentado.

Un abrazo de un nuevo fan que estará pendiente de si sacas nuevos trabajos en un futuro, lo cual me encantaría, ojalá encuentres el tiempo y la posibilidad de hacerlo. ^_^


Hola, primero enserio que gracias por este juego y las donaciones por que enserio no me lo espere, fue muy buena idea colocarlo en steam y si te soy sincero lo baje solo al ver sus imagenes y que colocaban que era bueno y gratis y en español (mejor aun!) me esperaba mas una simple novela de amor cliche 1 prota 3 chicas escojo a una fin, pero enserio que despues de jugarlo me sorprendió y dejo boca abierta.

La musica para mi perfecta siempre en el momento adecuado simple pero eficaz, por los gráficos algo simple aunque las imágenes claves de las chicas son de 10/10 aunque me hubiera encantado ver mas escenas así ejemplo la de assue con la profesora y el Manolo o al calvo cabron con su metralleta y flauta allí si que quedaba en el piso muerto por un ataque de risa. Pero al ser un juego gratis se entiende y justifica.

La historia mas que perfecta tratas de temas profundos que se enlazan con la mentira y la sociedad y me fascinó luce me hizo recordar a mi adolecencia e identificarme un poco con su carácter y sentimientos.


Hay algo que si te pregunto me dejaste peor que una chica que dejan en visto y que no pude dormí ese día. Que es claire!? En comentario anteriores dijiste que nos fijaramos primero en su objetivo, con quien hablaba, como Ciarán la usaba. Es algo difícil saberlo sin foro de discusión jajaja pero lo que he logrado descifrar, para mi su objetivo es lograr que Ciarán logre superar su problema psicológico que al final lo llevaba a querer controlar todo lo que quería aunque no pudiera a no poder hablar con sus antiguos amigos ni poder entablar una relación amorosa nueva, ella a la vez seria como la compasion así como el cuento del lobo ella seria la luna y aunque no lo escribió Ciarán ese sol que creía que no podía alcanzar era luce (mas que evidente al final) me pregunto ahora con el final, ella existe? Es una mentira de Ciarán tan grande que se matearelizo? Si sería así tendría sentido, ciaran miente de una forma que el mismo termina creyendo eso así que tendria sentido claire sea ese alter ego de el mismo queriendo superar su problema con una apariencia inocente para no sentirse amenazado y usado por Ciarán para poder acercarse a luce aunque se lo niegue y quiera caer en la autocompadesencia.

Si es lo mas raro que he dicho toda mi vida pero ya no se que pensar en esos temas no soy bueno jajaja.


Bueno con mi duda desahogada al autor, enserio que te felicito son pocas las historias que me dejan deseando mas ojala siguas mejorando y creando mas historias como estas, no te desanimes por malos comentarios en steam algunos de ellos esperaban muchos dibujos hd y ecchi por un juego gratis en vez de ver la calidad de historia.

Gracias por leer, saludos y felicidad!


Muy buenas noches. Ayer terminé la novela y para serte sincero es una de las pocas que suelen atraparme tanto como lo hizo esta. Quería darte las gracias por subirlo a Steam, pués ahí es donde la conocí. El título fue lo que me llamó la atención y obviamente la palabra "gratis" influyó un poco. Cómo estoy un poco cansado de la monotonía de los juegos de siempre quise probar algo distinto, ya sabía de antemano que era una "novela gráfica" (me gusta llamarlo así, espero no ofender) asi que le dí a "jugar" y lo "jugué".

Ya de entrada, las imágenes y la música me hacen sentir cómodo, me relaja, me incita a seguir leyendo y vaya que lo hice! y cómo lo disfruté fue algo asombroso, lo que he reído y lo que he llegado a sentir es indescriptible. A mi también, como dicen más abajo, el juego me duró mucho más de 6 horas. En varias partes quedaba reflexionando sobre las oraciones que citaban, en algunas ocasiones no pasaba la página para simplemente seguir escuchando la melodía, imaginándome la situación del momento...

En fin.. quiero ser breve porque sino, no termino nunca de escribir xD

Muchas gracias por subirlo/agregarlo a Steam y por sobre todo, gracias por crear semejante obra, a vos y a todos los involucrados.

Saludos! desde Rosario, Santa Fe - Argentina.

Hola! acabo de terminar la novela y me ha dejado una especie de vacío que no puedo describir. Realmente muchas gracias a tí y al grupo que te ayudó a crear esta hermosa obra, especialmente tener acceso a ella en español. Creo que por más que pueda comprenderse o traducirse un idioma nunca será lo mismo que podeer leer algo en tu lengua materna.

He de decir que esta novela me llevó más de lo esperado, siendo unas 14 horas de deleite visual, esto fue gracias a que en muchas partes del juego me quedé mirando la pantalla sin avanzar, debido a que en varios puntos del juego las frases me hacían reflexionar sobre mi propia vida, incluso creo que podría tener similitudes con Ciarán.

Algo que me resultó curioso fue que el protagonista no se mostrara en ningún momento, lo hace parecer que Ciarán somos nosotros, independientemente del sexo al que pertenezcamos tras la pantalla.

Aprovechando que en su mayoría aquí son de habla inglesa pasaré escribir algunos spoilers con motivo de pregunta.


Me han quedado algunas dudas, por ejemplo:

-¿Por qué Ciarán actúa como si no conociera a Diniz y éste pareciera que en ocasiones le sigue la corriente? ya que con Ziva no hace eso.

- ¿Qué es Claire?, ¿Un producto de imaginación de Ciarán?, ¿está muerta?, por otro lado los demás personajes se han dirigido a ella, así que esto último no puede ser, además de que la novela no tiene toques fuera de lo real.

Tal vez las preguntas sean muy tontas y se me escapó algún detalle, lo siento de antemano ^^

****************FIN DEL SPOILER****************

Pasando a otra cosa, me gustaría saber cómo puede ponerse un juego gratis en steam.

No es que lo vaya a hacer ahora, tal vez nunca lo haré, pero creo que sería interesante darle vida a esas historias que guardo en una carpeta, aunque lejos estoy de saber utilizar Ren'Py, pero todo se aprende jajaja, y la verdad me vi queriendo tal vez hacer esto algún día inspirada por esta novela.

Ya sin más vuelvo a agradecerte a ti y a tu equipo por este fabuloso trabajo♥

Historia: 10/10

Banda sonora: 10/10

Personajes: 10/10

Problemas psicológicos generados por la interpretación de cada uno: ??/10

Espero poder disfrutar más de estas novelas en el futuro!

Ah! y si se puede colaborar monetariamente en algún lugar déjame el link, ya que efectivamente hubiera pagado por este juego!

Muchas gracias a ti por leerla. Esta clase de comentarios hace que valga la pena todo al final, así que muchas gracias. Ahora, sobre tus spoilers:


1. Realmente tanto Ziva como Diniz no es que no actúen como si no le conocieran, sino que jamás mencionan el pasado e intentan hacerse los locos respecto a ese tema. Es un tema tabú ya que cualquier mención al mismo activa el trauma del protagonista y por ende el dolor en su pierna. Ya desde la presentación de Diniz intenté que los diálogos de Ciar con él fueran un tanto "extraños", como que da un poco de vergüenza ajena verlos, con silencios indebidos. Intentan actuar como si no pasase nada pero se nota que hay algo ahí que falla.

2. La segunda pregunta, bueno, esta es la pregunta que me hace todo el mundo jajaja. La verdad es que prefiero no dar la respuesta 100% y dejar que la gente sea la que piense al respecto y saque sus propias versiones. Aunque puedo asegurar que hay una explicación lógica detrás de todo lo de Claire. Te daré una pista de todas maneras, lo importante no es tanto lo que ella "es", o si existe o si no existe, sino el contexto en torno a ella. ¿Cuál era su objetivo? ¿De qué o quién hablaban sus diálogos? ¿Para qué la usaba Ciarán? Sólo existe una única respuesta a todas esas preguntas que tenga sentido, y esa es la realidad de esta historia. En un tiempo de todas maneras igual me animo a dar todas las respuestas de la historia claramente, pero prefiero dejar un tiempo para que cada uno se coma el coco lo que quiera.

****************FIN DEL SPOILER****************

Sobre poner un juego gratis en Steam, pues sólo tienes que intentar pasar el Greenlight. Dentro de la propia Steam tienen esa opción y sólo tienes que seguir los pasos. El único problema es que tienes que pagar 100 dólares para poder entrar, y luego depende de los votos de la comunidad y un poco de suerte que te pillen. Pero oye, yo nunca pensé que me aceptarían y aquí estoy. Yo empecé como tú, tenía alguna cosa escrita y quise animarme a hacer algo más grande y me puse a aprender Renpy, un poco de programación y a intentar mejorar mi escritura. Para mi sería un honor motivar a más personas a dedicarse a esto y si esto es lo que quieres hacer, ¡HAZLO! No dudes, se pasan muchos momentos malos y muchos altibajos, pero luego puedes leer comentarios de gente que se emociona con lo que has escrito y hace que todo lo demás merezca la pena :)

Si quieres colaborar económicamente, pues bueno, aquí en puedes "comprar" el juego (aunque ya lo tengas) dandole a descargar o puedes directamente irte a mi paypal: De todas maneras el dinero es secundario y si te resulta difícil o no puedes usar paypal o cualquier otra cosa pues no te preocupes. La intención y el sentimiento es lo que cuenta.

Muchas gracias de nuevo y la mejor de las suertes para ti y tu futuro.

  1. Hi, just wanted to say that this game was beautiful. The soundtrack, the art, the story ( The conversations were articulate but still sounded like a bunch of friends goofing off, which I loved.) I laughed at all the little gags and references but the serious parts still hit me pretty hard. Just.. Thank you. It seems like you put a lot of work into this and it definitely paid off. I'm just a bit confused about the ending concerning Luce and Claires relationships with Ciarán. Considering I finishing the game in the early hours of the morning, I guess maybe I just didn't catch on. Anyhow, thanks again. It was really great.
(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your comment, it's greatly appreciated.

Everyone is always asking about the ending. I understand it's a bit hard to understand, still I prefer if people think by themselves their own versions :)

Thanks for replying, I guess I'll think about it a bit more :) Have you got any other games planned?

I'm still on the planning stage but yes, I'm planning on writing more and better things. I can't really tell anything yet since I'm still only working out ideas but stay tuned!


Disculpa por decirlo en español pero tengo ganas de grabar el juego, quisiera saber si puedo grabarlo y me preguntaba si las canciones me detectaría copyright, gracias.

(3 edits)

No te preocupes, español es mi lengua materna así que es casi mejor.

Sin problema, graba todo lo que quieras. Las canciones no te deberían saltar en el copyright ya que son todas gratuitas y de distribución libre siempre que no sea con fines comerciales. Este juego es gratuito así que puedes grabarlo, distribuirlo y hacer lo que que quieras con él siempre que no vayas atribuyendo su autoría a otra/s persona/s o venderlo con fines comerciales :)

¡Gracias por preguntar de todas formas!


So I was wondering , how I can support the release any other way than with Paypal :P?

(3 edits)

This is actually kinda hard to answer. does not offer any way of payment other than paypal, and the other alternatives I could give for people to give money would be stuff like Bitcoins (not everyone trust cryptocurrency), Stripe (it works just like paypal but it's known for having a few security issues), I could just give you my bank accont IBAN (but international transfers of money are pretty expensive) or in worst case scenario stuff like Steam or Amazon whishlists that I personally dislike. We are on a time where sending money online internationally is actually pretty hard and I personally don't know any other ways safer than Paypal to do so.

In case you trust Bitcoin, my direction is: 1HQ8w12yGcgLRQbXkFE6gSAQzseZb2EGzd

Other than that, if you can't really send money or don't have any way to do it don't worry. I appreciate the thought and just enjoy the novel.

The novel is out now on Steam too. Check it out:


The greenlight has been a sucess and it only took 8 days! Thank you to everyone that has voted, I can't believe it! Thank you!


This looks pretty good, gonna give it a try [:

Hey! First of all, congratulations and thank you very much for this wonderful contribution to the wonderful world of free VNs. I look forward to any of your next creations.

Second, there's a piano track I can't seem to find in the extras (I believe it's playing when Claire and Ciarán are walking on the street after the birthday party, or in the last scene with Ziva). It's my favourite though, so I would like very much to at least find the source.

Third, out of curiosity, who's your favourite character? I love asking people this question, and what better person to ask than the author himself?

Finally, do you plan on fixing small mistakes like typos and such? If you do, then I (or people I know who downloaded the game) could look out for them in my next playthrough.

Thank you again, and stay awesome!

Hello there, thank you for the comment and the support, it means a lot to me!

About the piano, I think the theme you are looking for is Sonatina in C minor, from Matthew Pablo (most themes in the novel are from him, incredible musician!). I'm pretty sure it's in the Music Room but anyways you can find it for free in his website:

The favorite character one is a haaaard one. I've spend a lot of time to develop the characters adding details and all so I love all of them, but if I had to give an answer because someone put a gun in my forehead... well I guess I could say Claire (really really close by Luce, maybe if you ask me tomorrow I tell you Luce). She's very particular and has a lot of deep into her. All her dialogues were pretty hard to pull off and have a lot of meaning. Most of her dialogues have several interpretations and ways of reading, and that makes the character incredible rich. It's the kind of character that forces me to question myself a lot of ideas and conceptions, and makes the author grow more than the character itself, imo.

About fixing mistales, sure! In fact I have already fixed a few since release since there's always seems to be typos hiding everywhere no matter how many people revise it. Feel free to send anything you find to me through here, twitter (@Keinart) or email at keinart(at)gmail(dot)com. Every little help is appreciated!

Thank you again for your comment!

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but halfway through the download it says it was interrupted. My internet is surprisingly excellent. If I tell it to resume and it finished in a second. I open the file and it says it's invalid, then closes out. Do you think it's my computer? I've downloaded visual novels on here before, and it's not like I don't have space.

Oh that's weird, for what platform are you trying to download it?

It may be the servers that weren't working properly and that would explain why the download failed. I can't do nothing about that since that goes from part.

Could you try downloading it again from the beginning? Make sure you delete all previous data. Maybe it failed midway and got corrupted. I'm sorry for that, once again, it could have been a problem in servers or something. If the problem keeps going I'll try to upload a new version again just in case, although when I test them they seem to work just fine, but you never know.

Thank you for reporting this and sorry for the inconveniences.

(1 edit)

I stopped derping, and figured it out. It wasn't the website or your program, it was me, but it's all good now, and I'm really excited to start. Just for a note, how would I pronounce the Protag's name? I'm usually good at this, but I'm making sure.

(1 edit)

Ah, glad to know it wasn't nothing bad. Better that way. Hope you enjoy reading the novel now.

About the main character, it would be pronunced as "KEE-ar-awn", it's an Irish name:

In some other news, the novel is now in Steam Greenlight too:

If you liked it, please consider to give it your vote. Thank you!

Hi guys, another small update.

It seems that after updating the engine for the Android version a new bug related to the Auto mode came from nowhere for some people. It was kinda random. In any case it's now fixed and version 1.3 is up and ready to download. Some typos have been fixed too.

Thank you for your support!

Hello guys, I have a new nice update for you all!

First at all, now the game has an Android version! Check it out in Google Play, the icon is just above the comment section.

Second I have updated the other platforms to version 1.2 (1.1 died on the way, rest in peace). I fixed some minor bugs and typos so everything should be nicer.

Thanks everyone for your support and I hope you enjoy reading the novel!


So glad to see it released! Congrats!


looks pretty(*´▽`*)

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